Javascript Apply Method tutorial in Hindi

Apply Method in Javascript

apply method के जरिए javascript function को किसी object में इस्तेमाल कर सकतें हैं |

apply method, call method की तरह होता है | पर इसमें arguments को array के जरिए पास की जाती है |

Syntax: object1.function1.apply(object2, [arg1,arg2…]);


    const object1 = {
       name: "maya",
       city: "delhi",
       setvalue : function(par1,par2){
       console.log(`My name is '${}' and I am staying at '${}' and I love to read ${par1} and ${par2}`);
    const object2 = {
       name: "Ritu",
       city: "Ajmer"   
  object1.setvalue.apply(object2, ['novel', 'story']);


javascript apply method

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